Monday, February 16, 2009

My first post

Here I am with Tanner helping with this blog. We both don't know what we are doing. Excuse me
but Tanner says he has an idea on what HE is doing. As for me HA. The weather is cold and sunny. There is snow in the future for this. The Fuchs family are going to settlement on their new home this Friday the 20th. They are all excited. So we will start painting Friday afternoon and also Saturday. Faith hopes to moved in by Sunday. It will be nice that the boys will have their own rooms. Once they are gone it will be quiet around here in a good way.
Dottie and Tanner


  1. Yes we are all excited but it will be sad to go too. It has been really great getting to spend this time with you Dad and Buzz. You have all been such a blessing to us. Thank you for everything.

    Love You,

  2. It has been great having you guys here also, but I must say it has been a really longgggggggg 3 months. Love you guys Mom

  3. You will miss the noise and chaos of the boys within the week. That's really why you and dad are planning the trip, huh? Because you will miss the boys and Faith won't let you live with her for a month. :)

  4. Well, mabey Tanner should have a Blog if he knows sooo, much about them!
    I miss you tons! -Love,A Girl With a Tail
